Thursday, 11 September 2014

Hope for Dawn of New Morning

Rushing and rushing; running and running; being hurt and being hurt; crying and crying; today has been this kinda day and in search of joie de vivre I am hoping and hoping tomorrow morning may show me the sparkles of brightness in my life.

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To kiss the lips of success someone said me to be intrepid. People try to motrify you and leave you in the night of darkness. What I expect you to do is bear it and hope that the night finally gets over and then you can enjoy the bright sunshine coming from the horizon of the clouds. U get hit, u get wound and it pains but does it hurt you whole over the life? Surely not! It gets heeled slowly and then you can get refreshness of that tore part. 

Is success taken for granted? Is happiness taken from granted? Hell NO! Does success make you happy or is being happy is ultimate success? Don't get entangled in these crazy questions. But what I am expecting is that I need a new beginning and the new day with all the freshness in my mind which I had before. Yes sun returns after 12 hours it is gone and I am wanting my sun to return someday. I am standing alone in the desert of Sahara and expecting that this sandy storm ends so that I could return to the place where I always expected to be. I mean that place would make me happy. Really this world is dynamic. Yearly my world changes. When I was at school mum, dad and brother were my world. When I got into college some girls became my world and now my world has changed again. I don't know when my world makes me happy but I am insatiable whatever world I get because there is nothing called finite. Is success finite? Is happiness finite? I don't know all about it.

I am sleeping now and expecting to wake up seeing the dawn of new life in me, new morning in me and new challenges in me. Bless me God :)

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