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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Life As Trees Higher Manifestation

The branches are celebrating utter enjoyment by drifting with the wind. The utmost need for them is to enjoy the freedom and the present moment. High intensity wind may swerve their dancing direction but moment afterwards it happens to be merely an innocuous blow. They accept every blows and thunders even if they have deleterious effects. All these multi-branched trees have congregated here in this jungle and lived happily.

These branches are the manifestation of this never ending world. The universe runs in the same way the branches are drifted. Though they may be mere trees physically but for those who have tasted spirituality they are effulgent lamps of beauty and wonderfulness. They embody the aesthetic aspects of nature. Whatever hardships we may face in our days, we search for immaculate life and living. We repress our emotions and natural feelings in the name of so-called morality. In fact we are oppressing ourselves with the authority of mind. Never have we given the place for heart to speak. Every being should be aware of that though not manifested physically to the common people we are covertly controlled/manipulated by some power/almighty.

Look at those branches and us. We have been stuck in the whirlpool of sufferings. The being in us has been degenerated day by day. We are taking life for granted. It is so idiosyncratic of life to be this much complex. With all knowledge and science, we have become an educated fool. All the sufferings, absence of mindfulness, stress and tensions every day in our mind, unsatisfied hearts and unhappy beings substantiate it.

Knowledge has been now superfluous for us. See how submissive those trees are. They are not sticking to some so-called aphorisms neither have they any thought at all. What we perceive as happiness, knowledge and quality of life in our external world are really diabolical degenerators in the inner world. 

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